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Documentation for Axxon One 2.0. Documentation for other versions of Axxon One is available too.
- gRPC API general information
- Roles and Users
- Recognition lists
- Axxon One configuration settings
- Macros configuration
- Data export
- Examples of gRPC API methods
- Bearer authorization
- Time synchronization of Server and video cameras
- Get video cameras list and their parameters using gRPC API methods (DomainService)
- Manage devices using gRPC API methods (ConfigurationService)
- Change detector mask using gRPC API (ConfigurationService)
- Manage groups of video cameras using gRPC API methods
- Manage alerts using gRPC API methods
- Manage macros using gRPC API methods
- Get info about archives using gRPC API (DomainService)
- Manage archives using gRPC API (ConfigurationService)
- Search in archive using gRPC API methods
- Manage layouts using gRPC API methods
- Manage users using gRPC API methods
- Get heatmap using gRPC API methods
- Manage control panels using gRPC API methods
- Get water level using gRPC API methods
- Manage events using gRPC API methods
- Manage device templates using gRPC API methods
- Configure PTZ mode for Tag&Track Pro using gRPC API methods
- Manage detectors using gRPC API methods
- Manage interactive map using gRPC API methods
- Working with Axxon One via direct gRPC requests
Embeddable video component for working with Web server
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